Sunday, November 21, 2010

Another Week At A Glance

Yep, another update so soon. As I said, when it rains it pours! The kids have been getting quite a few lessons with Dad lately. He is always sharing with them some new and interesting thing, usually a video on the computer. This past week they learned/watched how cornflakes were made, about immigration and world poverty, and Eugenics. He also gave them a lesson on making coffee, which developed into where electricity comes from, and different types of energy, which also led to a lively discussion about what happens to people when they get electrocuted or struck by lightning. We then took them down to the laundry room to show them all the processes for doing all the laundry (I admit, I had been keeping this chore to myself-well actually Nathan was my helper and knows how to do it all.) German machines are different. They studied and talked about condensation, and about the electrical and plumbing lines down there as well. James is planning some survival excursions in the forest for next spring and a scavenger/treasure hunt using coordinates and a compass. I think we are going to take the kids on a letterbox adventure at a castle nearby. The homeschool group had planned it and then had to cancel- so we might do it as a family. Should be fun- that is right up Jacob’s alley.
Learning time with dad is a wonderful treat, as he doesn’t get to do it as much he’d like because of work. The kids are very responsive.

They also love to listen to preaching or teaching tapes while we are driving as a family. We just started Diana Warings History Alive series- it is truly fascinating, always prompting lots of questions and discussions. We are ordering her Ancient Civilizations package next month- can’t wait!

Friday, Jacob self initiated doing a lesson of math out of his Abeka textbook (instead of using all the myriad of manipulatives and games we have-hmmpf! go figure!) I guess I won’t get rid of all those textbooks after all- they keep getting them out and using them! He had the lesson completed (which was 100%) before everyone had even finished breakfast and getting ready for the day. I think he actually enjoyed it too! I told him it was like detective work, using the clues to solve a problem or mystery. He checked out some Hardy Boys books at the library yesterday. I think he is taking a break from the Circle Trilogy. He has also been writing in his detective journal.

Micah and Jacob made some cool, elaborate paper blow guns that they had learned how to do on youtube. They have quite a bit of force and distance- had to buy a lot more tape yesterday. Micah even attached an ammo box full of shrapnel on his and Jacob’s has a scope.

Nathan and Hannah have worked in their vtecs quite a bit this week, doing some of the games they hadn’t learned yet. Nathan is surprising me more and more with how many letters and sounds he knows. He goes around sounding out words all the time. The other day he was attempting to write words- he knew what they said, anyway. His favorite thing is when it is his turn to sleep with me, and we draw letters on each other’s backs. This is something I have always done with all the kids, sometimes with shaving cream on their backs while bathing. If I’m not mistaking the signs, he will show a real interest in reading soon. He and Eden did some painting this week, and made noodle necklaces and then painted them for the letter N. (I had a hard time keeping Eden from eating them later.) He drew some fabulous drawings of cats, tigers, zebras and other animals with quite a bit of detail, which would be something a much older child than 4 would do. I was quite amazed. He and Hannah got some new puzzles, and they were very excited to do them. Nathan only required a little help. His was a polar bear, and Hannah’s was a horse of course. Nathan picked out several books from the library of various animals, and even a large, thick animal encyclopedia. He also got some books on space and some magic school bus books. These he loves because when he was younger we had a few MSB videos.

Eden is going through a book phase. She has to carry a few around with her EVERYWHERE she goes. Upstairs, downstairs, to the potty, to the car, to bed-gets kinda annoying actually, especially when she screams when they are out of her sight, she drops them, or she thinks that someone is taking them. (We are working on her screaming habit.) She chose a couple at the library yesterday, and every person in the family had read them to her twice I think before the day was done. She barely let go of them to have them checked out. And what a fit she threw at bedtime when I wouldn’t let her sleep with them! Still, I’m glad she is taking an interest in books. She also goes around trying to sing her ABCs and sounding out words like Nathan does. I’m pretty sure she is just mimicking though-but maybe not, she is quite bright, and quite a drama queen! Her favorite thing is having me sing every song I know to her when it is her turn to sleep with me. And playing duck duck goose! She has also taken to wanting to give me massages lately and always wants someone to scratch her back. What a toot she is!

Hannah completed her doll and is so proud! This past week, she has been reading and drawing a lot! Quite frequently she asks me to help her spell some word, so I know she is writing too. Mostly I have been reading On the Banks of Plum Creek, which we just finished and she is so anxious to start the next one that we checked out from the library yesterday. She just loves this book series! I plan to buy her the whole set for her very own soon. Jacob and even Micah also conveniently shows up and hangs around for most of the readings and pretends to not like it by making fun of it a lot. (Jacob got mad one time when we read a chapter without him- and oh how he loathes Nellie Oleson being mean to Laura! That’s the hero in him.) They all go around quoting the books frequently. It has been a lot of fun and great learning!

And what has our aspiring writer been up to? A lot, as usual. When Micah is not working on his book, he is playing guitar, yo-yoing, making weapons out of paper, watching ed. youtube videos or reading. He has also independently been working in his math and grammar books this week. He went to a German church service with his German friend the other evening and was quite moved by the beauty and music. He also allowed me to read some of his book, which is quite fabulous and we had a long discussion about developing character, using similes, and plenty of 5 senses description to help the reader really be there. I was privileged, that he asked me to be his editor! He must have thought I knew what I was talking about. It is great to see him so motivated about writing. His talents and potentials seem to be unlimited. He is also after only two days of yo-yoing, an amature professional- amazing all of us with his death-defying tricks. I say death- defying, because he has come close to whacking a few of us in the head a couple of times. Still, he’s good!
Well, they will be trickling down from the bedrooms soon, so I should go start breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. Aw! It sounds like you all are learning so much! There's so much to comment on, so I'll just talk about the parts that stuck out to me and just know I enjoyed the rest. :)

    I got a real kick out of the blow guns and how elaborate they made them and Eden's facination with books! How cute!

    Eden sounds like she's really learning (I think she actually knows what she's talking about. She was always a little baby einstine.) And the scratching her back thing is adorable :D

    I'm so happy to hear about Nathan! Hopefully he'll be reading next year. You should buy him some Dr. Suess books, Mom.. The easy reader ones.

    Hannah seems to be blossoming more and more.. Is she enjoying helping you cook for Thanksgiving? Also, you guys should send me a picture of her doll! :)

    The boys sound as adventurous as ever.. Pretty impressed about Jacob's hardy boys and Micah's "death defying" yo-yo tricks. :P

    Thanks for posting! I really enjoyed it! :D
