Sunday, June 19, 2011

Philistines Among Us!

This past year we have traded out all our old movies for only Godly and biblical valued based ones. I have purchased a collection of bible story cartoons- that really aren’t so bad- seem to be pretty accurate with ok production and graphics as well.

Eden’s favorite ones are Samson and Delilah, and David and Goliath. She often plays pretend about these two. The other day, when I had told her something to do that she didn’t want to do, and then had to scold her, she wrinkled up her nose, narrowed her eyes, and snarled at me in her most fierce manner, and whispered, ”You Philistine!” Later, when she was upset with a few of her siblings, she waved her arm at them and said, “You’re all Philistines!”

Last week, we went to the PX and bought Dad a basket ball goal for Father’S Day and had to have an employee load it out in the car for us. This employee’s name happened to be David. All that day, Eden kept asking about David, where’s David? And on and on. I thought it a little odd and strange that she would have this strange fascination for the PX employee, but didn’t make the connection until the next day when she was pretending to be Princess Michal (pronounced "McCow") and declared that she was gonna marry David at the PX! (Strangely, the young man there at the PX does look a lot like the cartoon character on the DVD.)

Just a little proof of how media influences kids!

1 comment:

  1. That is too funny! Isn't it amazing the connections little ones make between what they read and see and the world around them? Love you guys!
