Thursday, August 19, 2010

Natural learning

Hello family, friends, skeptics and others:

Announcing, effective immediately, we are no longer "homeschooling." Well at least not in the traditional sense of the word. No, we are not enrolling the kids in any private or public school. We will no longer try to duplicate school at home. A faulty system and concept from the start- which kills love of learning and curiosity faster than anything. We are endeavoring to reignite the natural love for learning that children are born with through whole -life learning. This is sometimes referred to "unschooling" within the homeschool world. By providing support and a learning environment, we are confident that our children will aquire much more real knowledge faster and retention- true learning, as their interests lead them, then forcing facts, concepts and skills on them that they might not be ready for, nor retain for lack of interest. I could go on and on siting references, examples, success stories, and reasons why we are taking this direction. This is the path our ever evolving learning quest has led us, and we are all very excited to LEARN! I am setting up this blog for a couple of reasons. First to document this experiment to prove to ourselves and skeptics that much learning is taking place, AND to share our lives with all our friends and family- and maybe inspire a few of you out there to be whole-life learners!


  1. This kind of learning is our goal. I love it when people ask me what curricula we are looking at for the girls and I tell them that mostly we are just planning to cuddle and read a lot of good books together and live life together...

  2. I am excited about seeing your results. You are doing what we did for many years but with our then circumstances it was not healthy. So now in a new healthier place.. God always leads us to people that are where I want us to be. So keep writing.. please You have amazing kids and I love reading about your days, when I have the time.
