Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Quality of Life

This was going to be a mid-week summary posting, but it's kinda hard to figure out when mid-week is. With organic learning, it is no longer a Monday through Friday, over-at-afternoon experience. Learning is going on all of the time now, even when lights are already out; it's a 24/7 deal. This makes for a lot of freedom, seemingly a lot more time, and certainly a much more relaxing atmosphere. I actually read 3 whole books this week and, of course, have had time to do all this blogging that I normally would not have had time to do.

But what I have really loved, now that the burden of planning lessons, gathering material, and teaching are gone is that I can focus on the kids more. I've been able to laugh, dance, play, tickle, giggle, play games, cuddle, read, and wrestle with them more. Especially the little ones, who I felt didn't ever get enough of that since I had to teach the older ones "school". I have been able to enjoy all of them more; I've learned new things about their personalities, interests, and talents. And I dare say, that they have too now that they've been given ample time to explore themselves and their world. I've had time to hear them; to hear their heart. It has had a profound effect on our relationships.

Just because someone is together 24/7 doesn't mean that it is always quality time or that you're really connecting with that person. Relationships seem to get swallowed up a lot in agendas and schedules. Seeing the kids delight in a topic or an interest and then initiate learning, and to be so creative, is awe-inspiring. I enjoy seeing them enjoy the whole day learning and just being together.

It's like someone let us out of a prison. All resistance is gone.(Not that all resistance in life is bad. We definintly train them to submit their will.) But it's a far cry from before when all day long, it was me against them, dragging them along and continuously trying to find ways to motivate them! That was a nightmare! And hard on the relationships between them and I. I guess I would describe it as legalism verses walking in the Spirit; your own strength verses flowing in the friut of the spirit naturally, effortlessly full of love. Maybe I should call this Spirit learning.

1 comment:

  1. Amen sister!!! I have been learning a lot lately (mostly through doing it all WRONG) about needing to take time to just be with the girls, whether or not we are "getting everything done." We were miserably trying to do everything and never being a family. But, the Lord is working on us and that is changing. I'm loving the blog so far! I haven't read all of your posts yet, but I am working on it. I miss you!!
